Friday, September 10, 2010


I must admit, I'm a little obsessed. I pre-ordered my season one of "Glee" which hasn't come out yet, but the waiting is killing me!
Season two starts September 21st.
Get ready people.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Advice from Psalty the Song Book

Wow, I didn't realize how much I complain! Starting over, turning over a new more complaining. Reminds me of that "Psalty the Song Book" song " Without complaining. Without complaining do the work of Jesus in your heart. Without complaining. Without complaining do the work of Jesus in your heart!"

I wonder if they still sell "Psalty."

Monday, July 26, 2010

Case of the Mondays

I hate it when I try to be responsible and plan ahead for things and they don't work out. Makes me feel like all my hard work is for nothing! Especially when other people are counting on me...that's the worst!

On a totally unrelated side note- I tried this new yoga/pilates class yesterday (totally by accident. If you know me you know I LOATHE yoga/pilates.) Well, I didn't break a sweat, but somehow managed to jack up my shoulder. Thanks centergy. :(

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Manners are for Winners

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Manners are for winners people. A simple "please" and "thank you" is all I need. I don't mind going the extra mile for you, as long as manners are involved.
We instill these virtues into our children, yet most adults neglect them. What is WRONG with you people? You aren't that important, my world does not revolve around you.
I am not your servant, you are not my Jesus.

The end.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Swagger Wagon

So, I told myself I would never ever ever get a mini van. Marshall has also promised to never ever ever buy me a mini van. But I've gotta hand it to the Toyota people...they've caught my attention. Maybe in another life I'll get the SE.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Where I come from

So, I saw this the other day and it made me smile. Figured I'd share the joy!! Sadly, even after moving to Texas, I still carry an ice scraper in my car.

You know you're from Massachusetts if...

You consider a yellow light as a sign to speed up.

You know how to pronounce Worcester and Gloucester.

You compare with friends what Boston was like pre-big dig and post-big dig.

You've spent a summer hanging out on the Cape.

You shudder in October when all the tourists come up to clog the roads for foliage season.

As a kid, there was more than a foot of snow on the ground, and you STILL had to listen to the radio to see if they'd declare it a snow day to cancel school.

You've had to shovel your car out from snow up over its tires and you still took it out on the road that same day.

An April weather warm-up of 60F or more meant it was time for a tshirt.

You've grilled on your back porch when there was snow on the ground.

You understand why they call it "Taxachusetts".

You've ever made a run to New Hampshire to get alcohol without sales tax.

You think if someone is nice they either want something or are from out of town.

You could own a small town in Iowa for the cost of your house.

There are 24 Dunkin Donuts within 15 minutes of your house and use them to give directions.

If you stay on the same road long enough it will eventually have three different names.

53 is on "the warm side".

You've walked to Brighams for an ice cream cone "to go" in the snow.

You cringe every time you hear some actor/actress imitate the "Boston Accent" on TV.

You call chocolate sprinkles "jimmies".

A water fountain is called a Bubbler. Pronounced "bubbla".

You know how to pronounce towns like Worcester, Haverhill, Peabody, Scituate, Chatham and Leominster.

You know what a "Packie" is.

You keep an ice scraper in your car year round.

You've pulled out of a side street and used your car to block oncoming traffic so you can turn left.

You've bragged about saving money at the Christmas Tree Shop.

You know what a "regular" coffee is.

You can navigate a rotary without a problem.

You use the words "wicked" and "good" in the same sentence.

You drink tonic and would never consider using it in your hair.

You never say "Cape Cod" you say "The Cape".

You would never say that you're going to somewhere "IN cape cod", it's always "ON cape cod."

You went to Old Sturbridge Village and Plymouth Plantation at least once, in Elementary school, but never to Bunker Hill.

You know the Mass Pike and 495 create some sort of strange weather dividing line.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tell me...

Why is it that when I do stupid stuff I am the worlds only idiot....but when my husband of the year does something stupid it's brushed off.
Examples: 1) MKB backed the trailer into the garage door, bending the frame, denting the door. VS. KHB closed the garage door with the tailgate still open- WITHOUT so much as a scratch.
2) MKB knocked over very full, very nasty, "spit cup" onto my clean carpet. VS. Hunter Dog knocking over KHB's wine glass with his tail, spilling vino onto the carpet.
3) MKB trailing oil onto carpet from boots VS. KHB letting muddy dogs in, trailing dirt onto carpet.

I am not complaining, just wondering if there's some unspoken rule I'm not aware of.....